PerformanceJoshua has been performing ever since he started taking piano lessons at seven years old. He has gained a lot of recognition ever since, and continues his performing legacy to his youth.
TranscriptionJoshua's first experiences of transcribing is during his childhood days when he hears a good tune on the radio. He instinctively takes his writing tools and instantly "records" the music by hand--tunes first and lyrics later. He hasn't owned a tape recorder back then.
ArrangementJoshua has arranged music even before he knows the meaning of the word. He has arranged any music he hears, be it from TV or the radio, into a two-hands piano piece without missing important details.
CompositionJoshua started composing at his youth. After creating his very first extravagant-sounding composition, he reuses the very same theme from his own work to create a slower, mellower version of itself. He takes pleasure in composing new songs and rearranging them into several versions, sometimes creating a brand new song in the process!
SingingJoshua realized his singing potential later in his university days. He is pitch-perfect and can hold a stable tune. He helps local choir in practice sessions by providing a strong voice in the bass or tenor section, and in various occasions he is asked to do a solo part!
AccompanimentJoshua started accompanying in minor occasions, such as in filling an absent spot or when a couple of peers asked him to be their accompanist in their singing aural test. He frequently finds himself accompanying for a Sunday school, a choir, and even a classic rock band.